Customer Testimonials

We are proud of the quality of all the kit and merchandise that we supply and we try to ensure our customers 100% satisfaction.  Listed below are testimonials kindly provided by just a small selection of our valued customers.

If you’d like to see why these clients are so happy, please feel free to check out their club/school shops and check out the products and designs that we have created for them and their members.  If you are an existing customer and you find any ideas that you would like added to your web shop – give us a call!  If your club/school is not currently an Ambition Sport customer please check out our school and club solutions information pages and we can get started straight away.


“For many years, Hertford Hockey Club have used numerous kit suppliers for the various teams across the clubs, including Men’s, Ladies and Juniors. As a club we have found it difficult to locate a suitable supplier, who is able to provide quality kits for all our members needs.
Since contacting Ambition Sport, we have found a supplier of kit who is able to cater for all the teams needs, as well as providing a merchandise range which has proved to be extremely successful and popular with club members. The on-line club shop has proven to be efficient, and allows the club to avoid the need to hold large stock of kits. Turn around of orders has been quick and accurate and the kit itself has been of a high quality using modern tech fabrics; which are more durable and enjoyable to play in despite the varying weather conditions a hockey season can present.
Given the above and the successful relationship that we have enjoyed to date with Ambition Sport, we would have no hesitancy in recommending Ambition Sport to other clubs
Lee Donnithorne, Mens 1st XI Hertford Hockey Club & Mens/Juniors Kit Representative

Ambition Sport enables our PE equipment and kit to be ordered with ease.  Prompt and effective communication provides faith and trust in such a professional company.  The modern day approach without forgetting the core values of good business relationships.  I recommend them without reservation.
Mr M. Graves, Head of PE St Anselms Catholic School, Canterbury

Ambition Sport have provided our students with high quality PE kit at affordable prices.  They have exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and variation in kit available.  They have been able to access some very specialist sports kit and equipment to help us provide high quality PE and Sports activities including retractable basketball hoops, indoor cricket nets as well as team and personalised tour kits.  Ambition Sport have offered a personalised service and have always been able to meet our requests or suggest alternatives that match our expectations.  We will continue to use Ambition Sport as our sole supplier for PE kit and equipment for the foreseeable future.
Mr D. Carden, Head of PE & Sport, Sittinbourne Community College, Sittingbourne

The goods that we have received from Ambition Sport have been of the highest quality and with super fast delivery, this is my first choice for sports kit every time!
Mitesh Chauhan, Early Years Physical Activity Officer, Blaby District Council, Leicestershire